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Foggy Forest


I provide professional, confidential Psychological counselling sessions to adults and adolescents. I am currently accepting new clients for both virtual and in-person appointments. Please get in touch to learn more.



Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART):

This eye-movement therapy allows the brain to process memories that are keeping you stuck by changing distressing images and sensations. You keep the facts of the memory but the memory no longer has the power to hold you back in life.

See for more information on ART.               


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT):

Better understand the interconnections between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Challenge and restructure self-defeating or otherwise problematic thinking in order to feel more confident and optimistic.



Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)-informed practice

Learn skills to improve emotional regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness.


Mindfulness-Based Interventions

I use mindfulness with most clients. To learn how to be present in the here and now is to free yourself from past hurt and future imagined tribulations.


Please contact me with any questions regarding the modalities described here. I would be happy to explain further and explore how one or more of these therapeutic approaches might meet your needs.

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