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One of my Teachers used to say "walk the talk." In other words, to be a truly ethical Psychologist, part of my responsibility is to embark on a personal journey of mental and emotional wellbeing. Though I don't have everything figured out, I am someone who seeks balance, self-reflects, does yoga, meditates and tries my best to be open and authentic in relationships. The wellness journey is endless but also endlessly fulfilling. Like everyone, I stumble at times, I get lost at times. I believe my challenges are some of the greatest learning opportunities, not only for life but for developing empathy and healing practices I can use in my sessions.


As an introvert and highly sensitive person, I know what it is like to feel overwhelmed by the harshness of the world and to feel like I don't fit into the cookie-cutter mould. I also know what it is like to try to find meaning in the rat race of 'commute, work, sleep, repeat' that our western society indicates is the (North) American Dream... and many achieve only to feel unfulfilled. Part of my mission is to help people find ways of living that are unique, intentional expressions of the soul; to support them in building beautiful inner landscapes, which can then begin to ripple into outer reflections of that their life situations, and interactions with the world.


As a mom of two wonderful children, I also have a passion for helping parents meet the challenges of parenthood with grace and confidence. Whether you are experiencing perinatal mental health concerns, struggling with parenthood or are perplexed by your own childhood memories surfacing in parenthood, counselling can help. 


A Registered Psychologist since 2014, I have experience providing individual and group therapy in non-profit, residential treatment and public health settings. I have helped those experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, personality disorders, addiction,life transitions, relationship difficulties and low self esteem. No matter your challenge, you don't need to face it alone.

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